Nicholas Watkins

Nick’s professional work focuses on the interactions between humans and their built
environments that reflect excellence in design and contribute to well-being and
productivity. His research findings on healthcare environments and workplace settings
can be found in several publications and venues including various organizational
guidelines, Environment & Behavior, Health Environments Research and Design Journal,
the Handbook of Environmental Psychology, Evidence-Based Healthcare Design, Place
Advantage, Journal of Nursing Administration, The Daily Beast, ANCC Magnet
conference proceedings, Healthcare Design conference proceedings, Pebble Conference
proceedings, Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Summit, American Psychological
Association Annual Convention, the Environmental Design Research Association
(EDRA) publications and conference proceedings, and a forthcoming book on
healthcare design research in design practice. He has served as an EDRA board
member and Chair. He was recognized as one of the top ten in healthcare design with an
HCD 10 award during the award’s inaugural year. His design research of workplace settings
has impacted organizations’ national and international guideline development.